Hercules Son Of Zues

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Hercules is the Roman name for Greek demigod Heracles, son of Zeus (the Greek equivalent of the Roamn god Jupiter), and the mortal Alcmene. Early Roman sources suggest that the imported Greek hero supplanted a mythic Italic shepherd called 'Recaranus' or 'Garanus', famous for his strength who dedicated the Ara Maxima that became associated with the earliest Roman cult of Hercules. While adopting much of the Greek Heracles' iconography and mythology as his own, Hercules adopted a number of myths and characteristics that were distinctly Roman. With the spread of Roman hegemony, Hercules was worshiped locally from Hispania through Gaul.

More precisely, the son of Zeus, for it is about Hercules. A semi-god, half-man, he traveled the earth, protecting innocents and helping them in the fight against evil. He was famous for his exploits, immense kindness towards ordinary people. And he died at the age of 52, according to mythology. What was the reason for the transition of the son. Hercules, son of the Greek king god Zeus, is cast down to Earth by his conniving uncle Hades. But he still retains his mythic strength, and when he gets older he begins a quest to go the distance and reclaim his godhood. Zeus (known in Roman as Jupiter) is the king of the Olympian Gods and is father to many of the gods and brother to Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia. He is also the father of the legendary hero Hercules. He tells his son Hercules that to join the gods, he must become a hero, which he defines as something more than being famous. Zeus is betrayed by Hades, but Hercules later saves him. It depends on how you define 'strong'. Heracles quite possibly is the son of Zeus (including the godly ones) that could bench-press the most, since that is what he was best at. Hercules Ran (The Son of ZEUS) has 814 members. Hercules Ran Coming Soon Game Features Max Level 300 Last Skills 300 Max Weapon/ Items Upgrade +16 Hunt Base System Farm Base System Unique Gameplay Freebies, And Cap Rewards Active Skills Effects All Map Level Required 4 Class Only Brawler Swordsman ️Archer Shaman PVP Features ️Tyranny Wars.

Hercules' Latin name was not directly borrowed from Greek Heracles but is a modification of the Etruscan name Herceler, which derives from the Greek name via syncope, Heracles translates to 'The Glory of Hera'. An oath invoking Hercules (Hercle! or Mehercle!) was a common interjection in Classical Latin.
In Roman works of art and in Renaissance and post-Renaissance art that adapts Roman iconography, Hercules can be identified by his attributes, the lion skin and the gnarled club (his favorite weapon): in mosaic he is shown tanned bronze, a virile aspect.
According to mythology, Hercules was the illegitimate son of Jupiter and Alcmene, the wisest and most beautiful of all mortal women. Juno was enraged at Zeus for his infidelity with Alcmene, and even more so that he placed the infant Hercules at Hera's breast as she slept and allowed him to feed, which caused Hercules to be partially immortal, thus, allowing him to surpass all mortal men in strength, size and skill.

Hercules Son Of Zeus King Of The Greek Gods


Juno held a spiteful grudge against Hercules and sent him into a blind frenzy, in which he killed all of his children and his wife. When Hercules regained his sanity, he sought out the Oracle at Delphi in the hope of making atonement. The Oracle ordered Hercules to serve Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, who sent him on a series of tasks known as the Labors of Hercules. These tasks are told in this order:
Main article: Labours of Hercules
# To kill the Nemean lion
# To destroy the Lernaean Hydra
# To capture Ceryneian Hind alive
# To trap the Erymanthian boar
# To clean the Augean stables
# To get rid of the Stymphalian birds
# To capture the Cretan bull
# To round up the Mares of Diomedes
# To fetch Hippolyte's girdle, or belt
# To fetch the cattle of Geryon
# To fetch the golden apples of the Hesperides
# To bring Cerberus from Tartarus.
While he was a champion and a great warrior, he was not above cheating and using any unfair trick to his advantage. However, he was renowned as having 'made the world safe for mankind' by destroying many dangerous monsters. Although he was a famous demigod, he still could not prevent his death.
Death of Hercules
Hercules was married to Deianeira. Long after their marriage, one day the centaur Nessus offered to ferry them across a wide river that they had to cross. Nessus set off with Deianeira first, but tried to abduct her. When Hercules realized the centaur's real intention, Hercules chased after him and shot him with an arrow which was poisoned with Hydra's blood. Before he died, Nessus told Deianeira to take some of his blood and treasure it, since it was a very powerful medicine and: if she ever thought Hercules was being unfaithful, the centaur told her, the blood would restore his love. Deianeira kept the vial of blood.
Many years after that incident she heard rumours that Hercules had fallen in love with another woman. She smeared some of the blood on a robe and sent it to Hercules by a servant named Lichas. Lichas spilled some blood on the floor and when the sun's rays fell on it the blood begun to burn. Because of this Deianeira began to suspect Nessus's advice and decided to send another servant to fetch Lichas back before he could hand over the blood soaked robe to Hercules. She was too late. Hercules had already put on the robe and when he did so the blood still poisoned from the same arrow used by Hercules, burnt into his flesh. When he jumped into a nearby river in hope of extinguishing the fire, it only made it worse. When he tried to rip off the robe from his body his organs were also ripped off with it.
Furiously, Hercules caught Lichas and tossed him into the sea. After that he told his friend Philoctetes to build him a pyre on the mountain Oata. He was burnt to death on the pyre. Before dying, Hercules offered his bow and arrows as a token of gratitude to Philoctetes. His father Zeus then turned him into a god. Deianeira, after hearing what she had caused, committed suicide.

Google Drive Hercules Son Of Zeus

Source: Click HERE
As a summary of the story the overall could be said as follows:
Hercules, the Latin equivalent of Heracles, was the son of Jupiter and Alcmene. His jealous stepmother, Juno, tried to murder the infant Hercules by putting a serpent in his cradle. Luckily for Hercules, he was born with great strength and killed the serpent. By the time Hercules was an adult, he had already killed a lion. Eventually, Juno drove Hercules insane. Due to his insanity, Hercules killed his wife, Megara, and their three children. Hercules exiled himself because of the shame that he had brought on himself through his lack of sanity.
Hercules decided to ask the Delphic Oracle what he should do to regain his honor. The Oracle told Hercules to go to Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, and serve him for twelve years. King Eurystheus couldn't think of any tasks that might prove difficult for the mighty son of Jupiter, so Juno came down from her palace on Olympus to help him. Together, the twosome came up with twelve tasks for Juno's mortal stepson to complete.
These tasks are now known as the twelve labors of Hercules. Hercules' first labor was to kill the menacing Nemean Lion; Hercules strangled the creature and carried it back to Mycenae. The second task was to overcome the nine-headed snake known as the Hydra; Hercules' cousin Ioloas helped him out by burning the stumps of the heads after Hercules cut off the heads; since the ninth head was immortal, Hercules rolled a rock over it. The third task was to find the golden-horned stag and bring it back alive; Hercules followed the stag around for one full year; he finally captured the stag and took it back alive. The fourth labor was to capture a wild boar that terrorized Mycenae's people; Hercules chased the boar up a mountain where the boar fell in to a snow drift, where Hercules subdued it. The fifth task of Hercules was to clean the Augean stables, where thousands of cattle were housed, in a single day; Hercules diverted two rivers so that they would flow into the Augean stables. The sixth labor was to destroy the man-eating Stymphalian birds; Hercules drove them out of their hiding places with a rattle and shot them with poison-tipped arrows. The sixth task was for Hercules to capture a Cretean savage bull; Hercules wrestled it to the ground and took it back to King Eurystheus. The eighth labor was to capture the four man-eating mares of Thrace; Hercules threw the master of the mares to them; the horses became very tame, so Hercules safely led them back to Mycenae. Hercules' ninth labor was to obtain the girdle of the fierce Amazon warrior queen, Hippolyta; Hippolyta willingly gave her girdle to Hercules, but Juno convinced the Amazons that Hercules was trying to take Hippolyta from them, so Hercules fought them off and returned to his master with the girdle. The tenth labor was to capture the cattle of the monster, Geryon; Hercules killed Geryon, claimed the cattle, and took them back to the king. The eleventh task was to get the golden-apples of the Hesperides; Hercules told Atlas that if he would get the apples for him, he (Hercules) would hold the heavens for him; when Atlas returned from his task, Hercules tricked him into taking back the heavens. The final labor of Hercules was to bring the three-headed watchdog of the underworld, Cerberus, to the surface without using any weapons; Hercules seized two of Cerberus' heads and the dog gave in. Hercules took the dog to his master, who ordered him to take it back. Finally, after twelve years and twelve tasks, Hercules was a free man.
Hercules went to the town of Thebes and married Deianira. She bore him many children. Later on in their life, the male centaur, Nessus, abducted Deianira, but Hercules came to her rescue by shooting Nessus with a poison tipped arrow. The dying Nessus told Deianira to keep a portion of his blood to use as a love potion on Hercules if she felt that she was losing him to another woman. A couple of a months later, Deianira thought that another woman was coming between her and her husband, so Deianira washed one of Hercules' shirts in Nessus' blood and gave it to him to wear. Nessus had lied to her, for the blood really acted as a poison and almost killed Hercules. On his funeral pyre, the dying Hercules ascended to Olympus, where he was granted immortality and lived among the gods.
From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki: A world of information not accessible by Gummiship
Voice actors(Ja:) Genzō Wakayama
(En:) Corey Burton
OriginHercules (1997)
GameKingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
Hercules (1997)
Hercules' father and king of the gods of Olympus.
'Thank you, my boy. Hah! Now, watch your old man work!'
—Zeus to Hercules

Zeus is a character originally from the Disney film Hercules. He is the king of the Olympian Gods and the father of Hercules.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep[edit]

Bonus deuces wild. Hercules tells Ventus his father is Zeus, the king of the gods up on Olympus. When Hercules was a baby, someone stole him away from his parents and took away his godhood. Hercules hopes he can become a true hero so he can can rejoin his father and return to Olympus.

Kingdom Hearts[edit]

Philoctetes mentions to Sora, Donald, and Goofy during their training that Hercules is busy visiting his father.

Kingdom Hearts II[edit]

Hades mentions that Zeus had previously locked the Underdrome up because he disliked its senseless violence.

Zeus creates constellations of Sora, Donald, and Goofy after they defeat Hades, signaling that they have become true heroes.

Kingdom Hearts III[edit]

In the Realm of the Gods, Zeus is captured by Hades and the Titans. However, he is freed by Hercules and throws lightning bolts at the Titans, causing them to flee. When Hades retreats and threatens to dump Meg in the Styx as payback, Zeus tosses a thunderbolt at Hades to shut him up.


Zeus is quite tall and has a muscular body, towering over Hercules. He has long white hair and a long white beard. He has purple-blue eyes. He wears a purple chiton over his left shoulder which is held by a round gold pin with a thundercloud on it. He is barefoot.


Zeus is mentioned as someone who dislikes violence, and as such, he dislikes Hades's violent plans.


Zeus is a character in Hercules voiced by the late Rip Torn in the original film and Corey Burton in the animated television series. He is inspired by the god from Greek mythology. In the film, Zeus produced Hercules with his wife Hera, watching his son grow up under the care of Amphitryon and Alcmene. Zeus also creates Pegasus from clouds as a gift for his son. When Hercules learns of his adoption from his foster-parents, he heads to the Temple of Zeus to learn who he is, and is told by Zeus of his divine heritage. Zeus sends Hercules to Philoctetes, wishing him luck on his journey to become a true hero on Earth to regain his godhood. Zeus is eventually overpowered by the Titans after Hades releases them, until Hercules comes to his father's aid in defeating them. Afterwards, Zeus at first allows Hercules to return to living as a god on Olympus, but after hearing his son's wish to live his life on Earth as a mortal alongside Megara, he complies. He is last seen creating a constellation of Hercules to show that he has become a true hero, one measured not by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.

Kingdom Hearts III
Party Members
Sora - Donald Duck - Goofy - Riku - Aqua
Hercules - Woody - Buzz Lightyear - Rapunzel - Eugene Fitzherbert - Sulley - Mike Wazowski - Marshmallow - Jack Sparrow - Baymax
Mickey Mouse - Kairi - Ventus - Lea - Roxas - Xion
Link system
Meow Wow - Wreck-It Ralph - Simba - Ariel - Stitch
Real Organization XIII (Seekers of Darkness)
Master Xehanort - Young Xehanort - Terra-Xehanort - Ansem - Xemnas - Vanitas - Xigbar - Saïx - Luxord - Marluxia - Larxene - Dark Riku - Xion
Vexen - Demyx - Replica Xehanort
Maleficent - Pete - Hades - Rock Titan - Ice Titan - Lava Titan - Tornado Titan
Mother Gothel - Randall - Hans - Davy Jones - Kraken - Cutler Beckett - Dark Baymax - Anti-Aqua
Non-Playable characters
Seven Guardians of Light - New Seven Hearts
Aced - Aeleus - Air Droids - Angelic Amber - Anna - Ansem the Wise - Apollo - Athena - Beasts & Bugs - Boo - Bouncy Pets - CDA Agent - Chip and Dale - Chirithy - Daisy Duck - Dark Figure - Dilan - Elizabeth Swann - Elsa - Ephemer - Eraqus - Even - Fred - Gigas - Go Go Tomago - Gopher - Green Army Men - Gula - Hamm - Hayner - Hector Barbossa - Hermes - Hiro Hamada - Honey Lemon - Huey, Dewey, and Louie - Ienzo - Invi - Ira - Isa - Jiminy Cricket - Joshamee Gibbs - Kristoff - Lingering Will - Little Chef - Little Green Men - Lumpy - Luxu - The Master of Masters - Maximus - Megara - Merlin - Minnie Mouse - Moogle - Nameless Star - Naminé‎ - Olaf - Olette - Pascal - Patchwork Animals - Pegasus - Pence - Piglet - Philoctetes - Pluto - Rabbit - Rex - Riku Replica - Roo - Sarge - Scrooge McDuck - Supreme Smasher - Sven - Terra - Tia Dalma - Tigger - Wasabi - William Turner - Winnie the Pooh - Yen Sid - Yozora - Zeus
Olympus - Dark World - Mysterious Tower - Disney Castle - Radiant Garden - Twilight Town - Toy Box - Kingdom of Corona - Monstropolis - Arendelle - The Caribbean - San Fransokyo - 100 Acre Wood - Destiny Islands - Castle Oblivion / Land of Departure - Keyblade Graveyard - The Final World - Scala ad Caelum - Quadratum
Ansem's Code - Black Box - Datascape - Dream Eater - Heartless - Keyblade - Keyblade Master - Keyblade War - Kingdom Hearts - New Seven Hearts - Nobody - Port Royal - Remaking the World - Secret Reports - Subject X - Unversed - Verum Rex
Gameplay Terms
Attractions - Battlegate - Black Pearl - Classic Kingdom - Flowmotion - Formchange - Gigas - Gummiphone - Gummi Ship - Keyblade Forge - Leviathan - Lucky Emblems - Make Your Mark - Memory Archive - Moogle Shop - Link - Shotlock - Situation Command - χ3
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